Exceptional Youth Educational Services

We provide opportunities for children ages 4-12 to explore problem solving activities using a hands-on approach to their learning and higher order thinking. We have four programs using LEGO® as the tool for experiential learning and reinforcing S.T.E.A.M. concepts.
Education programs that we offer
We are looking forward to working with children in the following communities this Summer:
Cheshire, Colchester, East Granby, East Haddam, East Hampton, East Lyme, Granby, Groton, Ledyard, Manchester, Newington, Norwich, Portland, Salem, South Windsor, Tolland, Vernon, Waterford, West Hartford, Wethersfield, Windsor
Please check in at your town’s Park and Recreation Department for our week-long Summer Camp programs, or contact Corey Schmidek directly at (860) 604-8066.
Contact EYES
Corey Schmidek has been a CT Certified Public-School Teacher for over 25 years. He has worked with the LEGO® Education Group and used the LEGO® K-12 curriculum for over 15 years. He is also a LEGO® Certified Trainer.
Additional Programs
EYES offers a wide variety of educational programs at schools, community centers, Park and Recreation facilities, business centers, and homes throughout Connecticut.
Ask us about our
- After School Programs
- Enrichment Programs
- Weekend and School Vacation Events
- Summer Camps
- Team Building Activities
- Adult Social Events